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The value of advice - Do I need a financial adviser? (Part 1)

By Sam Instone - February 23, 2018

Our office wall has a quote from Nelson Mandela. 

It reads: "education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

And this blog is part of a 5-part series with informative videos to help high-net-worth investors, like you, learn more about the value of financial advice.

I believe the aim of education should be to teach us how to think rather than what to think; to improve our minds to enable us to think for ourselves.

In short, you have to become a learning machine to thrive in today’s world.

What you’ll learn in these videos is how to think and make sensible decisions as an investor.

Decisions backed by evidence.

One of my own teachers once told me: "not everybody needs a financial adviser, but at some point - everybody needs good financial advice."

By subscribing below, it is my promise you will get good financial advice.  

Advice I hope will help you live life to the fullest, dream, thrive and discover.

Click the links below for parts 2-5:

Part 2 - Asset allocation

Part 3 - Cost control

Part 4 - Coaching

Part 5 -  Maintenance

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