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The value of advice - Coaching (Part 4)

By Sam Instone - March 15, 2018

Learning to say “no” is one of the most useful skills you can develop to enjoy a healthier and wealthier life.

Saying no to unnecessary commitments gives you more time;

Saying no to distractions helps you focus on what’s important; and

Saying no to temptations can improve wellbeing.

But, clamping down on emotions and getting past the pressures of everyday life is challenging. 

In the next video in our Value of Advice series, we explain one of the most important roles a financial adviser fulfils, behavioural coaching.



Even the most self-disciplined investor finds it challenging to hold their nerve in a highly volatile market

Saying “no” to that inner voice that wants to undo your best laid financial plans can be hard.

Say equities plummet.

What's the most common reaction? Sell.

No. Your adviser will teach you to stay focused, disciplined and hold your nerve.

With support and commitment, you’ll stay on track for a strong financial future.

Click the links below for parts 1,2,3,5:

Part 1 - Do I need a financial adviser?

Part 2 - Asset allocation

Part 3 - Cost control

Part 5 -  Maintenance

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