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Pantheon Pension Trustees

Pantheon Pension Trustees (Corinthian Group which also operates Corinthian Pension Trustees) is a pension trustee based in Gibraltar, and is administrator of overseas QROPS and QNUPS pension schemes.

As a British Overseas Territory, part of the EU and with low tax of 2.5%, Gibraltar is a common QROPS jurisdiction.

Our Verdict
A Closer Look
Customer Reviews

Pantheon QROPS is a Personal Pension Scheme approved by the Commissioner of Income Tax in Gibraltar, and approved by HMRC as eligible to receive transfer of UK pension rights without attracting a tax.

The Scheme was established by a Deed of Trust dated 4th April 2013, amended 4th February 2015.

Pantheon claims to divulge full costing on the application form, we cannot find a way to access the application form therefore we cannot verify this.

No details of any commission are detailed.

It is impossible to do any research into Pantheon online, which is hugely concerning and speaks of a lack of transparency. 


We would highly recommend reading the 'expert verdict' section of this independent review.

Additionally, here's a free guide that can help you achieve better results. In this guide, you'll learn:

  • Academic evidence only shared with a select few firms across the world
  • A real-life example of why you should never try to outguess the market
  • Why a fund's past performance is not enough to predict future returns
  • Why you need to focus on what you can control and why this leads to a better investment experience
  • Why you should accept the markets for what they are
  • What can impact behaviour and make people seek instant gratification

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The Pros

> Based in Gibraltar

The Cons

> Opacity around Pantheon/Corinthian relationship
> Non-transparency around fees and charges
> Hard to find information about their offering
Why choose a Gibraltar QROPS?

The Gibraltar authorities are concerned with protecting the reputation and integrity of Gibraltar as a financial centre, and are aware of the importance of adopting and applying international regulatory standards and best supervisory practices.

Gibraltar has a good reputation internationally for cooperation and information sharing.

• Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and a self-governing and self-financing parliamentary democracy within the European Union (EU)

• The first language is English

• Newly created QROPS legislation which meets HMRC requirements

• DTAs are not required to obtain low tax rate

• Low rate of taxation, only 2.5%

• Newly created QROPS legislation means Gibraltar QROPS meet Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requirements

• Gibraltar is a member of the EU and is a UK crown dependency, bringing with it a sense of stability and familiarity, an aspect which is reassuring to many UK pensioners

• Thanks to a highly regulated and sophisticated financial services sector, Gibraltar is expected to quickly become a major jurisdiction of choice

• Gibraltar offers flexibility in investment opportunities due to a diverse range of products, meaning increased control over where pension funds are invested

• QROPS in Gibraltar offer a large degree of flexibility on investment choices, along with many expert companies able to give professional advice and regulatory guidance on the best possible options on a case by case basis

• Unlike in the UK death benefits are paid gross, due to the absence of inheritance tax

• There is no taxation on lump sums in Gibraltar.

According to Pantheon, the financial infrastructure and legislation of Gibraltar provides QROPS members with safety and security of their assets.

Gibraltar is politically and economically stable and has long been a leader in the provision of offshore financial services.

Gibraltar is well regulated and has a favourable tax regime making is an ideal location establish and administer QROPS.

Have you used Pantheon Pension Trustees' services?

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Please send your review and comments to marketing@aesinternational.com to help people make an informed decision.

Expert assessment of Pantheon Pension Trustees

We would not advise clients to use Pantheon Pension Trustees.

Read the UK regulators advice on pension transfers here.

Never deal with a firm that isn’t authorised as a UK pension transfer specialist.

Our advice would be to seek professional, fee-based and independent advice if you have an existing QROPS with Pantheon Pension Trustees.

For pensions worth £500,000 or more, we recommend contacting us for a Second Opinion.


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